New Innovative Technology

Based on video compression technology, Internet of Things (IoT) technology, and Ai technology, Tovet Co., Ltd.
Tovnet has developed a number of innovative products, registered domestic and foreign patents, registered KFDA items, certified NET, certified performance,received software grade 1, technology development product, and innovation prototype certification.

CCTV Product
WIFI Solarcam
Ai Thermal imaging system
Long-distance wireless CCTV
Tovet certificate
Minister of Science and ICT Award
inister of Trade, Industry and Energy's commendation
Prime Minister's Award
Contribution Minister Award (Kim Hee-joo)
Citation (Minister of Small and Medium Business Venture)
New Technology (NET) Certificate
Software quality certificate
Performance certificate.
Innovation Product Designation Certificate
Tovnet_Solar CCTV Patent


#210, 330, Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

Customer Service

TEL : 02-866-8654


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Business Hours

Mon~Fri - AM 10:00~PM 5:00